All data and information provided on ethicalhacs.com blog are for informational and educational purpose only. Ethicalhacs.com reserves the right to make changes in the policy of this blog anytime and without prior notice.
This site contains information that can be potentially damaging or dangerous. If you are trying to hack on computer which you don’t have permission then you will be totally responsible for it.
All the information provided on this website is already performed by us on our local PC. If we take information from other websites then their sources are also linked with the information. All the site owners have their exclusive rights on their contents. If using the steps as described in ethicalhacs.com give you any error we will not be responsible for it because in our case it worked when I was doing walkthrough on that particular machine.
All the active machine walkthrough are password protected. If you want to know the password of particular active machine and our support buy me coffee and then I will send you the password. Why coffee ?? This is because even it took me some days to write up walkthroughs and arrange them in a way so that a normal guy can understand very easily without confusion and to improve our resources.
Ethicalhacs.com articles related to Hacking is only for informational and educational purpose. The tutorial and demo provided here is only for those who’re willing and curious to know and learn about Ethical Hacking, Security and Penetration Testing.
Thanks for reading